Thursday, July 19, 2012

Photos Of Loreto

Just one of many views from atop the hill.

From here the pictures can speak for themselves.

This is the arch directly over the cemetery.  There were lots of Polish flags at the plots.

That is the Adriatic Sea.

This is the actual church from the back.

Another arch you walk through before entering into the church's main space.

It was tall!

This is the front and where the piazza opens up into the town of Loreto.

Just some casual sidewalk chalk art.  None of my class ever made things this nice. 

They love fountains in Italy and don't mess around with crazy devil fish.

Inside the church.  The main alter at the front of the church and one of several impressive things too see and think about how they did that 700 years ago.

The ceiling about the above photo.

Everything tells a story in this place.  Just wish I could get off the religious channel and find ESPN.

This photo does no justice for the stain glass window in the center.

Even the doors told stories from major events in the Bible.

It is good the be the head Priest.  The plates said "Rollin' with JC"

The whole Square.

Not sure what these were but they had sealed doors and were numbered, tombs maybe.

The clock tower that rings out every 15 minutes.

Bre and Emily, fellow tutors.

The Virgin Mary at the bottom of the hill.

Photo op!

More of me.  I tried to tell them you all know what I look like.

Near the end of our tour.

1 comment:

  1. i'm actually impressed by your this all on your iphone? if!
