Along those lines I also made American breakfast for all my fellow tutors this morning. In Italy breakfast is always , tea or coffee, very sweet pastries, fruit and a mixed juice. I usually eat cereal, which is fine but if you know me you know I love to cook and breakfast is a big one for me, especially on weekends. So today I made pancakes from scratch. Not as good as usual has I had to substitute something baking powderesque, for baking powder and had no salt. I also made turkey sausage, scrambled eggs with gouda, and fruit salad, with orange juice to drink. Everyone really enjoyed it and was appreciative to have a little something like home.
Last Friday was the last day with my current group. I was with them for two weeks, the longest I have or will be with any group. We had a couple of not great days but they were always followed by amazing days and all the rest were pretty good. On our last day we had a major dance party, they love American pop music, played some learning games like bingo and race and write. They worked hard for two weeks and really learned a lot. They were a good group and I will miss them.
I only have one more week here in Porto and then I am off to Bali, Italy to spend one day and night and then catch a ferry over night to Dubrovnik, Croatia. From there I catch a plane up to Prague in the Czech Republic and then down to Munich, Germany, Berlin, Germany and then up north to make my way to Dublin to hopefully catch the Notre Dame vs. Navy football game.
I have been eating well, of course and am having a great experience here. I will be back with Kay when she gets here in September. Next week is baseball week at the baseball field and I am excited. I think most, if not all will be on a baseball team of sorts and so we will talk English via baseball.
I am off to a festival with lots of good food and a movie with music at the restaurant where we eat lunch everyday. Have a great weekend and I will talk to everyone later.
Cheese crepes with beef in the middle. So good!
The only peanut butter in Porto Sant'Elpidio. Sucky Skippy and 3,99 euro at that. The simple pleasures.
These Italian kids love the limbo and were far more flexible then I expected.
They really get competitive.
Our three time champ who also happens to be a gymnasts. Coincidence? You decide.
The younger sister of the girl from the picture above. She joined us one day and ended up staying the whole week. Very Sweet!
This is her sister. She speaks English really well since Mom has taught them both languages since birth.
Lunch the other day. Anyone hungary?
Dinner that I made with the worst cooking conditions I maybe have ever had, including camping. It was pretty good too.
Sunrise Thursday morning while I was on a run. This was around 7:00 since the sun comes up before 6:00 here.
The two sisters and I at break time in "the garden"
My American breakfast this morning.
Lunch today. Had spinach in the middle and was grub.
I know how you feel! Freya and I went nuts in Barcelona without peanut butter for a whole 3-4 months before we went home for Christmas break and brought some back with us. We treated that shit like gold once we had it! Funny enough, for their first try, one Spanish roommate thought it the most disgusting thing ever, while the other thought it was the most amazing thing ever. You're right though, its the simple pleasures :)