The main square at night.
The top of the Astronomical Clock, at night also.
The jazz band I went and saw after dinner the other night in what could be best be described as a cave. They were really good and a great experience.
This is the Jewish ceremony hall that I will hopefully be able to see more of tomorrow since it was closed the first time I went through.
More of central square at sunset. It is funny how the different times of day can create entirely different pictures.
The crowd waiting for the clock to chime the top of the hour.
You can see the little guys turning around the doors as the skeleton chimes the top of the hour.
I know I haven't put any food up lately, but this was primo piato last night, Lasagna Emialia. So good I almost thought I was in Italy again.
The rest of dinner, or secundo piato. Salmon and greek salad. Both were done perfectly and of course a nice czech beer to wash it all down. A great end to an great day.
The entry to Charles Bridge.
A statue.
A close up of the entry to Charles Bridge. It took me a couple of days, but once I found it, I knew it. This is a bridge.
Lots of people cross this bridge to get over to the royal castle. No cars allowed but lots of religious statues.
A nice shot of the river.
A pic of me from the bridge.
They take their statues very seriously here.
The other end as you enter the royal castle side of town.
It took a little searching and over 200 stairs but that is some view.
All of Prague, in all its glory.
One of the royal buildings next to the Royal Palace.
The Royal Palace, protected by two guardian statues, eliminating enemies, and two royal guardsmen who don't move unless needed to.
The church behind the palace. It took a couple of photos to get it all in.
The top of the last photo.
The side of the church.
A close up shot of the clock tower on the church.
Quite an entry way. There is a lot of detail in this church on all sides.
Some of the town and other buildings behind the church.
One of the main entrances to the church depicting different tales from the bible.
The changing of the Royal Guard. I wish pictures could have been better but of course there was quite a crowd. Don't worry I was on the right side of the bars for a change.
The new guard marching in. There was lots of exact movements and precise actions. Pictures don't do it justice but it was really cool to see.
You can just barely see the new guards replacing the old guards at the front entrance.
The old guards leaving. I saw them between "shifts" and they were relaxed and joking around on. When it came time to be on though they don't mess around at all. All business.
The Iron Mask for the man who doesn't pay his bill. This is from the oldest "mid-evil" pub in Prague. Right at the bottom of the stairs from the castle and a good place to take a break after all that hiking.
I don't know what Martha Stewart would say about the decorating but I loved it.
Today's special, whatever is hanging up above the kitchen.
The only way to see the city.
Like I said, very serious about their buildings here in Prague.
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